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*''[the men close the lid on top of the boat]''
*''[the men close the lid on top of the boat]''
*'''Ted''': ...sometimes, sometimes they don't quite go as planned. I'm extra sorry. Oh, boy. Maybe I could just work on this ship, be a deckhand or a chef.
*'''Ted''': ...sometimes, sometimes they don't quite go as planned. I'm extra sorry. Oh, boy. Maybe I could just work on this ship, be a deckhand or a chef.
*''[George puts his hat on, walking down, jumping down, then ''''the lid opens back up on the top of the boat, then the platform rises up, walking to the men]''
*''[George puts his hat on, walking down, jumping down, then the lid opens back up on the top of the boat, then the platform rises up, walking to the men]''
*'''Man 1''': Hey! Check it out! A monkey!
*'''Man 1''': Hey! Check it out! A monkey!
*'''Man 2''': Where did you come from?
*'''Man 2''': Where did you come from?

Revision as of 23:40, 13 June 2019

  • Ted: [looks at the idol, gasping] There it is. It's awesome. It's spectacular. It's...
  • [the idol wobbles and falls to the ground]
  • Ted: ...gone? What? This can't be it! It's supposed to be huge. That isn't huge, okay? That's the opposite of huge. I need the giant monkey.
  • Edu: [to Ted] Who knew it was an actual size?
  • [George swings next to Ted]
  • Ted: Oh, great. I traveled 10,000 miles for a paperweight? [sighs] What am I gonna tell Mr. Bloomsberry? Poor Mr. Bloomsberry.
  • Edu: Mr. Ted, time to go.
  • [George takes his hat off of Ted, hiding up and down]
  • Ted: You know what? Keep the hat.
  • [George looks at Ted and Edu driving]
  • Ted: Whoa! Hey! Watch those bumps! Maybe we should take the highway. Is there a highway? Hey, slow down! I can catch a later boat!
  • [George lands on a lily pad]
  • Ted: We're driving on that?!? Let me out! I'll walk the rest of the way!
  • [George jumps on the log, running away]
  • Ted: No more bridges! I never want to do that again! Are we there yet? There it is! That's my ship. Well, not my ship, but, forget it. Thanks! If you come over to America, you'd make a great cab driver in the city! Not.
  • [George goes inside a boat]
  • Ted: Mr. Bloomsberry, I would just like to say in my defence that...
  • [George runs up on the crates]
  • Ted: Sir, when we set out on certain adventures in life...
  • [the men close the lid on top of the boat]
  • Ted: ...sometimes, sometimes they don't quite go as planned. I'm extra sorry. Oh, boy. Maybe I could just work on this ship, be a deckhand or a chef.
  • [George puts his hat on, walking down, jumping down, then the lid opens back up on the top of the boat, then the platform rises up, walking to the men]
  • Man 1: Hey! Check it out! A monkey!
  • Man 2: Where did you come from?
  • Man 1: He's cute. Hey, I wonder if he can do tricks?
  • Man 2: Hey, little monkey! Do some tricks for us!
  • Man 1: Yeah! Dance, monkey!
  • [the men clap when George has finished dancing]
  • Man 1: Thanks, little guy! Hey! I wonder if he can do the obstacle course?
  • Man 2: Yeah! See if you can get all the bananas! Wow! He did that faster than I did!
  • Man 1: That ain't sayin' much. See ya later, little guy! We gotta go now.
  • Man 2: Yeah. See ya!
  • [the men walk away by George, then Man 1 climbs up a ladder of the boat, walking around, then the porthole opens for George, going out]
  • Ted: What do I tell them when I get back? Mr. Bloomsberry, we have a big problem. Well, a little problem. Well, a big little problem, no, that's no good. Maybe I can go for the laugh! A funny thing happened to me on the way to Zagawa. You're not gonna love this. Ugh! He's not gonna love it.
  • [George goes inside a boat, going in the truck, opening a crate, revealing the idol, then George eats the bananas, throwing it away, then the boat continues going to the city, then running up, looking at the city, gasping]
  • Man: Where are you going, Yellow?
  • Ted: Bloomsberry Museum, please. You know, I'll give you 10 bucks extra if you stop calling me Yellow.
  • Man: You got it, Sunshine.
  • [the drive away by George, then George hops from obstacle to obstacle on the pole, running to the car to the woman]
  • Man: Looks like we're gonna be here for a while.
  • Ted: Fine. I think I've been driven enough for one lifetime, anyway. I'll walk from here. What's the damage. Other than my nerves?
  • Man: 12:50, sunshine.
  • Ted: Do you have a brother who drives trucks in Africa?
  • Man: Yeah, I do, as a matter of fact!
  • [the taxi car drives up, looking at Ted, walking on a building piece, rising up, carrying George, then George takes the hat]
  • Ted: Hey there, Ivan.
  • [Ivan growls]
  • Ted: Good talk. Take care.
  • [George continues running at the building]
  • Ted: Oh, boy.
  • [George goes inside Ted's apartment]
  • Ivan: [sniffs] Pet? [sniffs again] Pet.
  • Ted: My hat? My yellow hat? No, no, no, this can't be the same hat.
  • [George peeks from the hat]
  • Ted: It's the same hat. And the same monkey. Wait! You followed me all the way from Africa?
  • [George continues hiding from his hat]
  • Ted: To play peekaboo? No, no, no, I don't want to play peekaboo. [gasping]
  • Ivan: Open up, 17-B.
  • Ted: New game, new game. Hide and seek. [carries George in the bathroom] Okay, stay right there. Good monkey. [closes the bathroom door by George, then the toilet paper blows away]
  • Ivan: What was that?
  • Ted: I didn't hear anything.
  • Ivan: [knocks the bathroom door] Okay, pet! I know you are in there! Open door, now! [knocks the bathroom door again] Did you hear noise?
  • Ted: You've been working too hard. You're imagining things.
  • Ivan: [continues knocking at the bathroom door] When I get door open, you go to pound and 17-B gets evicted! [continues knocking at the bathroom door again] There is noise again!
  • Ted: Um, pigeons! Outside, maybe. Definitely not in the bathroom. No! Wait! Don't go in there!
  • Ivan: [continues knocking at the bathroom door] Come out with paws, hooves, or fins up! [continues knocking at the bathroom door, opening a vent] Pet must be around here somewhere. [looks around]
  • [George opens the wardrobe, with clothes falling on George]
  • Painter: Oh, hi, there, little girl! Maybe you can help me. I've lost some of my paintbrushes. If my boss finds out, he's gonna be so mad at me. Could you help me? If you find a brush, bring it to my cart. Thanks! [walks a way by George]
  • Ivan: [walks in the room, sniffing] Pet must be close. [walks in another room] Out of way, ugly little girl! I must find pet!
  • Painter: Well, I guess I better get this cart upstairs so I can start on Ms. Plushbottom's place!
  • [the tray takes George to the elevator]
  • Ivan: You are no more 17-B! You are kicked from building.
  • Ted: Just to be clear, though, the monkey's kicked? Not me?
  • Ivan: Get out!
  • [George and Ted walk through a museum building, trying to climb up the window, going in]
  • Ted: Okay. Oh, no. [hears a knock at the door] Oh, hey, Junior. What brings you here? I wasn't hiding a monkey or anything.
  • Junior: What are you babbling about? Did you forget the press conference?
  • Ted: Yeah, right. The press conference, no.
  • Junior: Get going. The reporters are waiting in the exhibit hall!
  • Ted: Right! Time is monkey, er, money! Gotta go.
  • Junior: Monkey? Does that loony have a monkey here? I'd better keep my eyes open. [closes the door by George]
  • Ted: might laugh now, but wait and see. Yellow is the new khaki! Next question?
  • Reporter 1: How did you move such a huge idol?
  • Ted: Uh, it was surprisingly easy, really. Next?
  • Reporter 2: Mr. Bloomsberry predicts this will be big for the museum. Your thoughts?
  • Junior: Eh, I've got better things to do than look for monkeys! [walks to a number code] I'll just set the alarm. Now what was that code? Oh, yeah, 3-4-2. There! The Laser-Tech 2000 will sound the alarm if there are any monkeys around.
  • Ted: ...and this what makes African soil especially fascinating. And dust! Who can tell me what's special about African dust? Anyone?
  • Reporter 1: Um, yes. Dust. Very interesting. But we want to hear about the idol.
  • Ted: The idol? Oh, right, the idol.
  • Reporter 3: Where did you find it?
  • Ted: Find it? In Africa. I thought we've been through that.
  • Reporter 1: How old is it?
  • Ted: Old? Well, we haven't run a carbon dating analysis yet.
  • Reporter 4: How big is it?
  • Ted: Big? Well, size is all relative, isn't it? Why, to an ant.
  • Reporter 1: And, seriously, the yellow suit? What's the story there? Who are you wearing?
  • Reporter 4: Yeah, that suit looks like something out of a kid's book!
  • Ted: Hey, would you just knock it off about the suit already?
  • Junior: Hold on, today's Tuesday! The new "Parking Lot Monthly" comes out today! I don't have time to waste looking for monkeys! [walks to a number code again] Besides, this hall is equipped with the Lasertech 3000! [presses some of the buttons] There! All set! Junior, you are a clever, clever man! What the, what's going on? Alright, who put that ugly monkey statue up here? Who keeps doing that?!? Gotta get maintenance to remove that monkey statue. Feels like it's watching me. That's it. I cannot concentrate with all this racket. I've had enough of this place for one day. I'm going home.
  • Ted: There are lot of other great things to see here at the museum. Have you met Ogg and Grogg?
  • Reporter 2: Were Ogg and Grogg your guides when you found the idol?
  • Ted: No, Ogg and Grogg are cavemen.
  • Reporter 1: Did the cavemen worship the idol?
  • Ted: I, um, no. Well, maybe.
  • Reporter 3: Can we see the idol?
  • Reporter 1: Yes, can we get a little glimpse of it?
  • Ted: We're still working out some small problems. But when it's ready, I can certainly promise you'll have a little glimpse. [running to George] No!
  • Junior: Ted, where is the idol? Okay, careful. Careful, that's the linch pin of to the whole left leg.
  • [the dinosaur skeleton continues rumbling, falling apart]
  • Ted: Oh, no! Oh, no. No, no, no, don't look so satisfied with yourself. The whole reason were sleeping out here is because of you. Yeah, I can be in my nice warm bed right now, showered, teeth brushed, instead of sleeping out in the cold, with a monkey under the stars. Wow. That blew over fast. Wow. Those glow-in-the-dark star stickers have nothing on this.
  • [the firefly flies by George]
  • Ted: [laughs] That? That's a firefly.
  • [the firefly shines by George, grabbing it, grabbing more fireflies]
  • Ted: Good grab.
  • [they both continue sleeping, then George yawns, looking at the zoo, running away by Ted]
  • Balloon Man: What? You want a balloon?
  • Kid 1: Yeah!
  • [George looks at a kid putting a token in a cup]
  • Balloon Man: Here you go! Have fun!
  • Kid 1: [takes a balloon] Bye!
  • Kid 2: Hey, look, a monkey!
  • Kid 3: He's cute!
  • Kid 2: What do you want, little guy? You want a balloon?
  • Kid 3: Give him one, Ben!
  • Kid 2: No, I think he should earn it. Maybe he's performing a monkey.
  • Kid 3: Oh! Maybe he wants to pop the balloons!
  • Kid 2: Yeah! See if he can pop these balloons!
  • Balloon Man: Well, we don't normally sell balloons to monkeys. But you have enough tokens, so who am I to say no? Here you go! Have fun!
  • [George puts tokens inside the cup, looking at the balloons, grabbing the balloons, flying up]
  • Ted: Look out!
  • Balloon Man: What? Oh, no, my balloons! They're floating away! Someone help me catch my balloons!
  • [George lands on the street]
  • Man: Come here, you! [throws George in the cage] You're on the next ship back to the jungle!
  • Ted: George, are you here?
  • [George runs up to Ted, hugging him]
  • Ted: George, give me a hug, you little fur ball! There. You're all right. Oh, I'm so sorry. I don't know how I let them take you away.
  • [they both snore, then the rat takes the idol]
  • Man 1: Full speed ahead. Yes, sir!
  • [the rat continues running away]
  • Man 1: What the... [screaming] I hate rats! They don't pay me enough to deal with rats!
  • [the door closes by the rat, running away]
  • Man 1: [screaming] Oh, it's you. I thought you was that rat again. Ha ha! Good job! That was great! Thanks, little guy. Now, what was I doing? Oh, yeah.
  • [the rat runs away, throwing the idol, then the bird takes the idol, then George throws a treat to the bird, shaking his head, taking it away, jumping in, then George and Ted walk up, shining the idol on Edu]
  • Ted: Okay, Edu. I got it.
  • [Edu walks away]
  • Ted: That's it! You did it, George! Give me five!
  • [George grabs Ted's hand]
  • Ted: That's close enough.
  • [they both laugh]
  • Edu: Well done, Mr. Ted.
  • Ted: This way, men! Follow me. The guy in yellow. This is it, George! The Lost Shrine of Zagawa is at the end of this path!
  • [they both run to the bridge]
  • Ted: Looks like the controls for the bridge are on the other side! George, see if you can find a way across!
  • [the bridge layer lays down, with Ted running up]
  • Ted: Good job, George! Let's keep going!
  • [they both run to the bananas, then Ted runs on the gondola]
  • Ted: The gondola will get us across the river, but I think the brake is jammed. George! See if you get up there and fix it! And be careful!
  • [the gondola slides down]
  • Ted: You did it, buddy! Good job!
  • [they both run to the bananas again]
  • Ted: Now what? There must be more columns underwater. There has to be a way to raise them so we can walk across. Looks like it's up to you again, buddy! Find me a way across! [runs on a platform, going down] George, you're amazing! Let's keep going! We're almost there! Oh, you've got to be kidding me! These guys really didn't want anyone to get to that shrine! Well, at least they put the switch on our side this time. Not that I can reach it. See if you can hop up and get to that switch, George.
  • [the bridge spins around, falling down]
  • Ted: Good job! That did not get us across. Well, at least it's a start. George, I hate to ask you again, but can you help?
  • [George slides down, pressing a switch, with the bridge spinning around, falling down again]
  • Ted: That's it! You did it! Now, let's get up to that shrine!
  • [they both run up]
  • Ted: Oh, no! It's sealed shut! Great. Two trips to Africa and nothing to show for it. well, yeah, I have a new friend. And that's great, but friendship won't get us that idol. What? You want to climb that? You can't do that. Can you?
  • [George runs away by Ted]
  • Ted: Okay, but be careful! Some of those ledges look awfully small and slippery.
  • [the red monkey idol opens a mouth, grabbing a jewel, the the rock opens a cave]
  • Ted: George! You did it!
  • [George continues holding a jewel]
  • Ted: Okay, okay, we did it. Well, come on! Get down here! Since we're partners, it wouldn't be fair for me to go in without you!
  • [George lands by Ted]
  • Ted: You're really good at that.
  • [they both look, then George takes the hat]
  • Ted: All right, all right! Here we go.
  • [they both walk out, then they all applaud]
  • Ted: [clears throat] As I stand in front of the Lost Idol of Zagawa...
  • Maggie: Uh-oh.
  • Ted: ...I just have one important thing to say. Anyone can memorize facts and figures. The real way to learn anything is to go out and experience it, and let your curiosity lead you. [throws papers away, then George runs on Ted] Oh, hi. So who's ready to learn?
  • [the curtain reveals the museum rooms]